
Resolution Mountain Real Estate Approach

The approach at Resolution Mountain Real Estate can best be explained by an emphasis on profitability and financial strength, and a focus on vertical integration in the real estate market.

Profitability and financial strength are a core competency and priority for a number of reasons. The primary reason to focus on the numbers is very straightforward, unless a project is financially viable then in the end nothing else matters. No matter how great, attractive, personally valuable, or seemingly worthwhile a project may seem, unless it makes money sense then it can’t make it to any of the other rewarding aspects of real estate. This is the first question we ask, the first hurdle we need to clear in order to move on to anything else. A project is not worth it if it is not viable. Properties that are money pits, no matter how much an owner may love it, cannot survive long term. We see real estate as a business, and every business needs to make money in order to survive, successful executives and business owners know this, why not apply it to real estate. This does not mean the profitability is our only focus, far from it, it merely means that profitability is a threshold that needs to be overcome in order to accomplish the many other things that are very rewarding about real estate. We look at each project individually with regards to long term appreciation, cash flow potential, financing, expenses, current and potential risks, exit strategies, and perform scenario analysis. There is an old sports adage that says ‘playing the game is great, but winning is better’. We are out to win.

Vertical integration allows Resolution Mountain Real Estate to be able to serve the needs of clients from their first steps into real estate investment through all aspects and avenues of success. Having strength and experience in investment, development, design, build, construction, rental, and management, and providing this encompassing expertise and perspective is a benefit to clients. This comprehensive treatment of the real estate business allows Resolution Mountain Real Estate to not only understand the steps ahead and behind, but also make is so clients can transition seamlessly from one aspect to another should they choose. The real estate market can be very disjointed, and while there are many very competent specialists Resolution Mountain Real Estate stands above in the ability to understand such a multi- faceted and complex system and combine it under one roof.

In order to execute on the above Resolution Mountain Real Estate uses strength in project management to achieve best results. Project management executed well leads to great efficiency and effectiveness which benefits greatly the seeking of financial viability and progressing through the real estate process. Resolution Mountain Real Estate has outstanding project management experience in the financial, real estate, commercial, and residential markets and uses this every day to benefit clients.

All that being said, Resolution Mountain Real Estate knows that clients come from many different perspectives and are looking for vastly different things. If a client chooses to build their dream home in the mountains without regard to the financials, or another client simply wants to contract with us for property management, we are happy to oblige and will provide great service. Resolution Mountain Real Estate will still be able to offer expertise and provide helpful input beyond the scope of our work should a client desire.

If you would like to learn more or speak with us further please contact us at